Online Education

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Online Education and Accreditation

When you are researching online schools to find a program that fits your needs, one thing you will want to make sure you examine is the accreditation of that particular program. Accreditation means that the school in question has met a set of national standards that ensures the quality of the program. These standards are named and agreed upon by a ruling body that specializes in characteristics of a quality educational program. For example, one such ruling body is the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. SACS has jurisdiction over all colleges and universities, online or otherwise, in ensuring that their programs meet the national standards. In order for online schools to earn their accreditation, they must show that their programs offer a sufficient amount of quality hours as well as test their students for mastery of program benchmarks. The accreditation process is arduous and extensive, and online programs must complete this process every ten years. To enforce the value of the accreditation process and status, many employers will only recognize a degree earned through an accredited institution. We will discuss the value of accreditation as well as the importance of choosing an accredited program for you.

Who does the accrediting? National or regional private agencies known as "Accrediting Organizations" develop guidelines and perform evaluations. The Organizations assess whether or not the established guidelines are being met by peer institutions. Institutions that apply for and meet the Accrediting Organization's standards receive accreditation from that Organization. There are two types of accreditation, one is "Institutional" and the other is "Programmatic or Specialized." Regional or National Accrediting Organizations perform institutional accreditation. Programmatic and/or Specialized accreditation usually applies to programs, schools, or departments that are part of an institution. The most widely recognized form of accreditation in the United States for degree programs is "Regional Accrediting." All six Regional Accrediting Organizations are considered equal and participating institutions generally view degrees and credits earned as such. Acceptance of students or courses taken is always the choice of the receiving institution. Regulated by state or national licensing boards, some college departments hold special accreditation, such as the American Bar Association accreditation. Programmatic or Specialized Accreditation can also apply to programs within a non-educational setting, such as a hospital. You will find that some professional, specialized, and vocational institutions are accredited by a Specialized or Professional Accrediting Organization.

Also, the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) is a widely recognized United States accrediting agency for distance earning colleges. The DETC is a clearinghouse of information about distance education and sponsors a nationally recognized accrediting agency: The Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council. The DETC promotes educational standards and ethical business practices within the distance study field. Keep in mind, however, that credits and degrees earned from DETC institutions may not be accepted by regionally accredited institutions. There are colleges and universities that offer distance learning programs that are not accredited by any recognized agency. The programs offered are often very specialized programs, such as Web design or computer software training. It may not be important to you that the program or training you desire is unrecognized by any of the above-mentioned accrediting organizations. However, if you are looking to increase your compensation through your employer for completing your online degree program, accreditation is a very important factor to consider. The online schools that you examine should mention their accredited status upfront, if they have attained it. If you are unsure of their status and can not find it listed in their program information, asking a school representative should give you the answer you are looking for

Monday 18 April 2011

Accelerate your Career with Fast Online Degrees

                                 FAST ONLINE DEGREES

In this day and age, more people are turning to online colleges to obtain accelerated degrees that will help enhance their careers. With fast degrees, you can obtain a college education in less time than ordinary degree programs would take. There are many benefits to furthering your education in this manner, and many online colleges and universities are starting to offer accelerated online masters degree in many courses of study, including business, accounting and several others. If you’re interested in pursuing one of these fast degrees, it’s important to keep several things in mind before committing to a course of study.

When pursuing accelerated quick degrees via distance education, you can finish your course of study up to 50% quicker than a traditional degree program would take. What’s more, these fast degrees are generally much less expensive because they can be delivered quickly through a variety of educational mediums. Accelerated degrees aren’t generally for everyone. Usually, these programs are designed for adult learns with a desire to enhance their career field with a degree they can complete in less time than a traditional institution would require. Because you can bring your own life experiences to the table, online degrees are ideal for the working professional with a desire to better themselves in the workforce.

While many people will attempt to tell you that online learning is easier than learning through a traditional class room setting, this is actually a myth. To succeed in an accelerated degree program requires intense motivation, self discipline and a high level of determination to achieve your educational goals. What’s more, it’s important to learn how to manage your time effectively between juggling a career, home life and school. While accelerated degree offer convenience and a chance to study at your own pace, these fast degrees require as much work and concentration as a traditional program of study would.

Because with accelerated degrees you are learning a vast amount of material within a small time frame, it’s easier to remember the information you learn because it’s delivered over a period of weeks rather than months. This type of course structure requires intense concentration, but you’re able to focus on one specific topic, and the information is delivered in a highly condensed format. The convenience just can’t be beat as far as fast degrees go, and you’re able to learn a wide variety of things in a short amount of time compared to a traditional classroom setting.

Obtaining an accelerated quick degree from an online college is not for everyone. Before you commit to an online program, you need to take a look at yourself and analyze your situation. Do you possess a proactive personality? Are you willing to complete tasks on your own without someone holding your hand along the way? To be truly successful in this type of program, you need to be a very independent individual. As long as you have the motivation and desire to succeed, you can achieve anything you want through an online degree.

Provided you do all of your research before jumping into the college waters, you’ll be able to find an accelerated degree program that works for you. With accelerated degrees, you need to have the ability to manage your time effectively, because it’s very easy to get behind in your coursework if you aren’t keeping up with the rest of the class. Fast degrees are definitely a convenient way to further your education online in a shorter amount of time, but online study requires an intense amount of drive and focus. If you have the willingness and desire to get the work done, you will succeed in obtaining an accelerated degree online.